SOA Testing

Validation and Verification for Secure Operations 


Many organizations address evolving business needs by leveraging the inherent flexibility of Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA). This allows a solution to use powerful functionality in a modular way. It also means exposure of existing IT assets as reusable services, requiring a software development paradigm shift to maintain quality and agility. To ensure that an SOA solution functions without fail and does not expose your organization to security risks, we give testing its due importance.

Testing is especially important given SOA’s distributed architecture, which increases interdependencies and change in applications. Our testing services preserve SOA quality by addressing inadequacies with thorough software testing methods.

Client Challenges

Safeguard your organization against security threats

At CDS, we help you protect your valuable data and information to prevent loss through inappropriate implementation sequences or become compromised due to insufficient security measures. Common areas of concern are:

  • No visibility or traceability below the User Interface to isolate errors and problems.
  • Mitigating risk while transitioning to a new SOA.
  • Inability to validate the functionality of applications, because of changes to underlying components along separate lifecycles.
  • Inadequate or incomplete testing may release bugs into production.  Identification and debugging of post-release bugs are much costlier than those found through testing.
  • Post-implementation performance analysis to validate increased business value.
  • Ensuring proper service behavior through various process lifecycles.
  • Post-implementation adherence to best practices and industry-compliance standards.
  • Flexibility to adapt to future business objectives and an evolving market.
  • Poor collaboration between development and QA, with minimal to no reuse of test assets between unit, functional, regression and performance testing.

What CDS Provides

CDS’s SOA Testing services offer organizations numerous functionalities, including:

  • Leveraging our domain expertise to build a reusable library of SOA methods.
  • Unit testing to ensure safe and predictable functionality of individual programs/units within the SOA.
  • Service level testing to ensure that the service not only meets existing project requirements, but more importantly, continues to meet business and operational requirements of other processes using that service.
  • Integration testing to ensure smooth coordination between various software components and levels of the SOA.
  • Greater visibility at varied levels of detail across the various sections of the proposed SOA.
  • Thorough system testing to ensure compliance to Service Level Agreements.
  • Governance testing to enforce regulatory policies such as Sarbanes-Oxley and infrastructure policies such as access, backups, disaster recovery and failover.
  • A flexible SOA design tested thoroughly for future enhancements and upgrades.

Business Value

Through our best practices testing services, CDS ensures a reliable delivery and smooth transition to an SOA system. Benefits include:

  • Automated testing ensures improved efficiency and increased productivity.
  • Greater scope for correction and flexibility during the implementation process.
  • Utilization of SLT shortens the overall project deadline.
  • Improved process management achieved by aligning the testing framework with the development methodology.
  • Complete monitoring capabilities over business benefits achieved through SOA.
  • Early detection and elimination of issues – reducing risks and increasing productivity.